Port Washington - Дом на продажу
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Presenting the offering of an architecturally significant home in the Gulf Island - the Point House by notable West Coast Modern architects Bo Helliwell and Kim Smith of Blue Sky Architecture. The exquisite waterfront home is situated on a 105 acre estate on North Pender Island that overlooks Navy Channel and faces the sun-illuminated mountains of Mayne Island. The property includes a sustainable organic farm, the shoreline of Davidson Bay, 50 foot dock, an idyllic pond, and acres of untouched old-growth forest. Characteristically west coast with its Douglas Fir exposed structure, the house differs from the norm through a masterful use of curved lines. the undulating rood mirrors the gentle curves of the island's landforms, while curved backbones of the home follows curve of the point. The Point House is effortlessly accessed by boat, float plane, or ferry from Vancouver.
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Presenting the offering of an architecturally significant home in the Gulf Island - the Point House by notable West Coast Modern architects Bo Helliwell and Kim Smith of Blue Sky Architecture. The exquisite waterfront home is situated on a 105 acre estate on North Pender Island that overlooks Navy Channel and faces the sun-illuminated mountains of Mayne Island. The property includes a sustainable organic farm, the shoreline of Davidson Bay, 50 foot dock, an idyllic pond, and acres of untouched old-growth forest. Characteristically west coast with its Douglas Fir exposed structure, the house differs from the norm through a masterful use of curved lines. the undulating rood mirrors the gentle curves of the island's landforms, while curved backbones of the home follows curve of the point. The Point House is effortlessly accessed by boat, float plane, or ferry from Vancouver.
Wir präsentieren das Angebot eines architektonisch bedeutenden Hauses auf der Golfinsel - das Point House von den namhaften West Coast Modern-Architekten Bo Helliwell und Kim Smith von Blue Sky Architecture. Das exquisite Haus am Wasser befindet sich auf einem 105 Hektar großen Anwesen auf North Pender Island mit Blick auf den Navy Channel und die sonnenbeschienenen Berge von Mayne Island. Das Anwesen umfasst einen nachhaltigen Bio-Bauernhof, die Küste der Davidson Bay, ein 50-Fuß-Dock, einen idyllischen Teich und Hektar unberührten Urwaldes. Charakteristisch für die Westküste mit seiner freiliegenden Struktur aus Douglasie, unterscheidet sich das Haus von der Norm durch den meisterhaften Einsatz von geschwungenen Linien. Der wellenförmige Lettner spiegelt die sanften Kurven der Landschaftsformen der Insel wider, während das geschwungene Rückgrat des Hauses der Kurve des Punktes folgt. Das Point House ist mühelos mit dem Boot, dem Wasserflugzeug oder der Fähre von Vancouver aus zu erreichen.
Apresentando a oferta de uma casa arquitetonicamente significativa na Ilha do Golfo - a Point House pelos notáveis arquitetos modernos da Costa Oeste Bo Helliwell e Kim Smith da Blue Sky Architecture. A requintada casa à beira-mar está situada em uma propriedade de 105 acres na Ilha North Pender, com vista para o Canal da Marinha e de frente para as montanhas iluminadas pelo sol da Ilha Mayne. A propriedade inclui uma fazenda orgânica sustentável, a costa de Davidson Bay, doca de 50 pés, um lago idílico e hectares de floresta antiga intocada. Caracteristicamente da costa oeste, com sua estrutura exposta de Douglas Fir, a casa difere da norma por meio de um uso magistral de linhas curvas. O rood ondulado espelha as curvas suaves das formas de relevo da ilha, enquanto as espinhas dorsais curvas da casa seguem a curva do ponto. A Point House é facilmente acessada por barco, hidroavião ou balsa de Vancouver.
Presentiamo l'offerta di una casa architettonicamente significativa nell'Isola del Golfo: la Point House dei noti architetti moderni della West Coast Bo Helliwell e Kim Smith di Blue Sky Architecture. La squisita casa sul lungomare si trova in una tenuta di 105 acri a North Pender Island che si affaccia sul Navy Channel e si affaccia sulle montagne illuminate dal sole di Mayne Island. La proprietà comprende una fattoria biologica sostenibile, il litorale di Davidson Bay, un molo di 50 piedi, uno stagno idilliaco e acri di foresta secolare incontaminata. Caratteristica della costa occidentale con la sua struttura a vista in abete di Douglas, la casa si differenzia dalla norma per un uso magistrale delle linee curve. Il tetto ondulato rispecchia le dolci curve delle morfologie dell'isola, mentre la spina dorsale curva della casa segue la curva del punto. La Point House è facilmente raggiungibile in barca, idrovolante o traghetto da Vancouver.
Przedstawiamy ofertę znaczącego architektonicznie domu na wyspie Zatoki Meksykańskiej - Point House autorstwa wybitnych architektów Zachodniego Wybrzeża Nowoczesnego Bo Helliwella i Kima Smitha z Blue Sky Architecture. Wspaniały dom na nabrzeżu znajduje się na 105-hektarowej posiadłości na wyspie North Pender, z której roztacza się widok na Kanał Marynarki Wojennej i wychodzi na oświetlone słońcem góry Mayne Island. Na terenie posiadłości znajduje się zrównoważone gospodarstwo ekologiczne, linia brzegowa Zatoki Davidson, 50-metrowy dok, idylliczny staw i hektary nietkniętego starego lasu. Charakterystyczny dla zachodniego wybrzeża z odsłoniętą konstrukcją daglezji, dom różni się od normy dzięki mistrzowskiemu wykorzystaniu zakrzywionych linii. Pofałdowany Rood odzwierciedla łagodne krzywizny form terenu wyspy, podczas gdy zakrzywione kręgosłupy domu podążają za krzywizną punktu. Do Point House można łatwo dostać się łodzią, samolotem lub promem z Vancouver.
Pender Island
Почтовый индекс:
V0M 2M1
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
849 м²
424 107 м²