Коммерческая - Аренда
  • Аррифиш


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Аррифиш - Офисы и коммерческая недвижимость в аренду

43 643 RUB / месяц

Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость (Долгосрочная аренда)

3 вн
80 м²
участок 80 м²
Ссылка: DAEX-T265 / 3961
Commercial space for rent, located in the parish of Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.This space was previously used as a café. It has the potential to be adapted to various branches of business or services. However, the owners are not interested in renting the property out as a café, bar or snack bar.
As the space does not currently have a license for commerce or services, any licensing for the activity for which the property is intended will be the responsibility of the tenant.The establishment consists of a single floor, with 3 access doors facing the street (which may eventually serve as a showcase, depending on the use to be given to the space) and is divided as follows: Large living room with access to 2 sanitary facilities, side room/hall facing the street, division previously intended for the kitchen, pantry and bathroom.The establishment is rented as is, with no charges and no equipment included.The establishment benefits from good access and easy parking on the public road, as it faces two public car parks.- - - - - - - -
Energy Certification: Exempt from indicating the energy class when advertising for sale or lease, under article 4 of Regional Legislative Decree no. 4/2016/A, of 2 February.--- RENTAL CONDITIONS ---- Initial payment equivalent to the value of two months' rent, which corresponds to the 1st monthly payment and a minimum deposit amount;- Lease for the initial minimum period of 1 year (12 months);
Energy Rating: Exempt
Показать больше Показать меньше Gewerbefläche zu vermieten, in der Gemeinde Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.Dieser Raum wurde früher als Café genutzt. Sie hat das Potenzial, für verschiedene Geschäftszweige oder Dienstleistungen angepasst zu werden. Da der Raum jedoch derzeit nicht über eine Genehmigung für Handel oder Dienstleistungen verfügt, ist der Mieter für die Erteilung einer Genehmigung für die Tätigkeit, für die die Immobilie bestimmt ist, verantwortlich.Die Einrichtung besteht aus einer einzigen Etage mit 3 Zugangstüren zur Straße (die je nach Nutzung des Raumes als Schaufenster dienen können) und ist wie folgt aufgeteilt: Großes Wohnzimmer mit Zugang zu 2 Sanitäranlagen, Nebenraum/Flur zur Straße, Aufteilung früher für die Küche vorgesehen, Speisekammer und Badezimmer.Die Einrichtung wird so vermietet, wie sie ist, ohne Gebühren und ohne Ausstattung.Das Hotel profitiert von einer guten Anbindung und einem einfachen Parken an der öffentlichen Straße, da es sich um zwei öffentliche Parkplätze handelt.- - - - - - - -
Energieausweis: Befreit von der Angabe der Energieklasse bei der Werbung für den Verkauf oder die Vermietung gemäß Artikel 4 des regionalen Gesetzesdekrets Nr. 4/2016/A vom 2. Februar.--- MIETBEDINGUNGEN ---- Anfangszahlung in Höhe des Wertes von zwei Monatsmieten, was der 1. Monatszahlung und einem Mindestkautionsbetrag entspricht;- Leasing für die anfängliche Mindestlaufzeit von 1 Jahr (12 Monate);
Energiekategorie: Befreit
Local comercial en alquiler, situado en la parroquia de Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.Este espacio se utilizaba anteriormente como cafetería. Tiene potencial para adaptarse a varias ramas de negocio o servicios. Sin embargo, los propietarios no están interesados en alquilar el inmueble como cafetería, bar o snack bar.
Dado que el espacio no dispone actualmente de licencia para comercio o servicios, cualquier licencia para la actividad a la que se destine el inmueble será responsabilidad del inquilino.El establecimiento consta de una sola planta, con 3 puertas de acceso a la calle (que eventualmente pueden servir de escaparate, dependiendo del uso que se le vaya a dar al espacio) y se divide de la siguiente manera: Gran salón comedor con acceso a 2 instalaciones sanitarias, sala lateral/recibidor que da a la calle, división previamente destinada a la cocina, Despensa y baño.El establecimiento se alquila tal cual, sin cargos y sin equipamiento incluido.El establecimiento se beneficia de un buen acceso y fácil aparcamiento en la vía pública, ya que se encuentra frente a dos aparcamientos públicos.- - - - - - - -
Certificación Energética: Exenta de indicar la clase energética en la publicidad de venta o arrendamiento, en virtud del artículo 4 del Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 4/2016/A, de 2 de febrero.--- CONDICIONES DE ALQUILER ---- Pago inicial equivalente al valor de dos meses de alquiler, que corresponde a la 1ª mensualidad y un monto mínimo de depósito;- Contrato de arrendamiento por el período mínimo inicial de 1 año (12 meses);
Espace commercial à louer, situé dans la paroisse d'Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.Cet espace était auparavant utilisé comme café. Il a le potentiel d'être adapté à diverses branches d'activité ou de services. Cependant, les propriétaires ne sont pas intéressés par la location du bien en tant que café, bar ou snack-bar.
Comme l'espace ne dispose pas actuellement d'une licence pour le commerce ou les services, toute licence pour l'activité à laquelle l'immeuble est destiné sera à la charge du locataire.L'établissement se compose d'un seul étage, avec 3 portes d'accès donnant sur la rue (qui peuvent éventuellement servir de vitrine, en fonction de l'utilisation à donner à l'espace) et se divise comme suit : Grand salon avec accès à 2 sanitaires, pièce latérale/hall donnant sur la rue, division précédemment destinée à la cuisine, garde-manger et salle de bain.L'établissement est loué en l'état, sans charges et sans matériel inclus.L'établissement bénéficie d'un bon accès et d'un stationnement facile sur la voie publique, puisqu'il fait face à deux parkings publics.- - - - - - - -
Certification énergétique : Dispense de l'indication de la classe énergétique lors de la publicité pour la vente ou la location, en vertu de l'article 4 du décret législatif régional n° 4/2016/A, du 2 février.--- CONDITIONS DE LOCATION ---- Versement initial équivalent à la valeur de deux mois de loyer, ce qui correspond à la 1ère mensualité et à un montant minimum de dépôt ;- Bail pour la durée minimale initiale de 1 an (12 mois) ;
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
Locale commerciale in affitto, situato nella parrocchia di Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.Questo spazio è stato precedentemente utilizzato come caffetteria. Ha il potenziale per essere adattato a diversi rami di attività o servizi. Tuttavia, i proprietari non sono interessati ad affittare l'immobile come caffè, bar o snack bar.
Poiché lo spazio non ha attualmente una licenza per il commercio o i servizi, qualsiasi licenza per l'attività a cui è destinato l'immobile sarà a carico dell'affittuario.Lo stabilimento è costituito da un unico piano, con 3 porte di accesso fronte strada (che possono eventualmente fungere da vetrina, a seconda dell'uso da dare allo spazio) ed è così suddiviso: Ampio soggiorno con accesso a 2 servizi igienici, camera/ingresso laterale fronte strada, divisione precedentemente destinata alla cucina, dispensa e bagno.Lo stabilimento viene affittato così com'è, senza spese e senza attrezzature incluse.La struttura beneficia di un buon accesso e di un facile parcheggio sulla strada pubblica, in quanto si trova di fronte a due parcheggi pubblici.- - - - - - - -
Certificazione energetica: Esentata dall'indicazione della classe energetica nella pubblicità di vendita o locazione, ai sensi dell'articolo 4 del Decreto Legislativo Regionale n. 4/2016/A, del 2 febbraio.--- CONDIZIONI DI NOLEGGIO ---- Pagamento iniziale equivalente al valore di due mesi di affitto, che corrisponde alla 1a rata mensile e a un importo minimo di deposito;- Locazione per il periodo minimo iniziale di 1 anno (12 mesi);
Categoria energetica: Gratuito
Commerciële ruimte te huur, gelegen in de parochie van Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.Deze ruimte werd voorheen gebruikt als café. Het heeft het potentieel om te worden aangepast aan verschillende bedrijfstakken of diensten. De eigenaren zijn echter niet geïnteresseerd in het verhuren van het pand als café, bar of snackbar.
Aangezien de ruimte op dit moment geen vergunning heeft voor handel of dienstverlening, is de huurder zelf verantwoordelijk voor eventuele vergunningen voor de activiteit waarvoor het pand bedoeld is.Het etablissement bestaat uit een enkele verdieping, met 3 toegangsdeuren aan de straatkant (die eventueel als vitrine kunnen dienen, afhankelijk van het gebruik dat aan de ruimte wordt gegeven) en is als volgt ingedeeld: Grote woonkamer met toegang tot 2 sanitaire voorzieningen, zijkamer/hal aan de straatkant, indeling die voorheen bedoeld was voor de keuken, bijkeuken en badkamer.Het etablissement wordt verhuurd zoals het is, zonder kosten en zonder apparatuur.Het etablissement profiteert van een goede bereikbaarheid en gemakkelijk parkeren op de openbare weg, aangezien het uitkijkt op twee openbare parkeergarages.- - - - - - - -
Energiecertificering: Vrijgesteld van de aanduiding van de energieklasse bij reclame voor verkoop of verhuur, op grond van artikel 4 van regionaal wetsbesluit nr. 4/2016/A van 2 februari.--- HUURVOORWAARDEN ---- Aanbetaling gelijk aan de waarde van twee maanden huur, wat overeenkomt met de 1e maandelijkse betaling en een minimaal stortingsbedrag;- Huurovereenkomst voor de initiële minimale periode van 1 jaar (12 maanden);
Energie Categorie: Gratis
Espaço comercial para arrendar, localizado na freguesia de Arrifes, Ponta Delgada, com cerca de 80 m2 de área bruta de construção.Trata-se de um espaço anteriormente utilizado como café. Apresenta potencial para ser a adaptado a diversos ramos de negócio ou serviços. No entanto, os proprietários não têm interesse em arrendar o imóvel para Café ou snack-bar.
Dado que o espaço não dispõe actualmente de nenhuma licença para comércio ou serviços, o eventual licenciamento para a actividade a que o imóvel se destinar, será da responsabilidade do inquilino.O estabelecimento é constituído por um só piso, com 3 portas de acesso a confrontar com a rua (que poderão eventualmente servir de vitrina, consoante a utilização a dar ao espaço) e é divido da seguinte forma: Ampla sala com acesso a 2 instalações sanitárias, sala lateral/hall a confrontar com a rua, divisão destinada anteriormente a cozinha, despensa e casa de banho.O estabelecimento é arrendado no estado em que se encontra, sem despesas e sem equipamentos incluídos.O estabelecimento beneficia de bons acessos e facilidade de estacionamento na via pública, pois confronta com dois parques de estacionamento públicos.- - - - - - - -
Certificação Energética: Dispensado da indicação da classe energética aquando da publicitação para venda ou locação, ao abrigo do artigo 4.º do Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 4/2016/A, de 2 de Fevereiro.--- CONDIÇÕES DE ARRENDAMENTO ---- Pagamento inicial equivalente ao valor de dois meses de renda, que corresponde à 1ª mensalidade e a um valor mínimo de caução;- Arrendamento pelo período mínimo inicial de 1 ano (12 meses);
Commercial space for rent, located in the parish of Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.This space was previously used as a café. It has the potential to be adapted to various branches of business or services. However, the owners are not interested in renting the property out as a café, bar or snack bar.
As the space does not currently have a license for commerce or services, any licensing for the activity for which the property is intended will be the responsibility of the tenant.The establishment consists of a single floor, with 3 access doors facing the street (which may eventually serve as a showcase, depending on the use to be given to the space) and is divided as follows: Large living room with access to 2 sanitary facilities, side room/hall facing the street, division previously intended for the kitchen, pantry and bathroom.The establishment is rented as is, with no charges and no equipment included.The establishment benefits from good access and easy parking on the public road, as it faces two public car parks.- - - - - - - -
Energy Certification: Exempt from indicating the energy class when advertising for sale or lease, under article 4 of Regional Legislative Decree no. 4/2016/A, of 2 February.--- RENTAL CONDITIONS ---- Initial payment equivalent to the value of two months' rent, which corresponds to the 1st monthly payment and a minimum deposit amount;- Lease for the initial minimum period of 1 year (12 months);
Energy Rating: Exempt
Commercial space for rent, located in the parish of Arrifes, Ponta Delgada.This space was previously used as a café. It has the potential to be adapted to various branches of business or services. However, the owners are not interested in renting the property out as a café, bar or snack bar.
As the space does not currently have a license for commerce or services, any licensing for the activity for which the property is intended will be the responsibility of the tenant.The establishment consists of a single floor, with 3 access doors facing the street (which may eventually serve as a showcase, depending on the use to be given to the space) and is divided as follows: Large living room with access to 2 sanitary facilities, side room/hall facing the street, division previously intended for the kitchen, pantry and bathroom.The establishment is rented as is, with no charges and no equipment included.The establishment benefits from good access and easy parking on the public road, as it faces two public car parks.- - - - - - - -
Energy Certification: Exempt from indicating the energy class when advertising for sale or lease, under article 4 of Regional Legislative Decree no. 4/2016/A, of 2 February.--- RENTAL CONDITIONS ---- Initial payment equivalent to the value of two months' rent, which corresponds to the 1st monthly payment and a minimum deposit amount;- Lease for the initial minimum period of 1 year (12 months);
Energy Rating: Exempt
Ссылка: DAEX-T265
Страна: PT
Регион: São Miguel
Город: Ponta Delgada
Почтовый индекс: 9500-373
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Долгосрочная аренда
Тип недвижимости: Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость
Подтип недвижимости: Коммерческая недвижимость
Площадь: 80 м²
Участок: 80 м²
Ванных: 3
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